Shoreline Church is committed to unveiling God’s love to our neighbors, our community and around the world. Using our gifts and our resources we have the privilege to partner together to unleash God’s grace and compassion to a hurting world. Your gift, no matter how big or how small, is significant.

Online Giving

Select the campus you attend


Mail In Your Giving

15201 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78728


Check Processing

When you give with a check, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electric funds transfer from your account or to process it as a check transaction. When we use information from your check to make an electronic funds transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account the same day you submit your giving and you may not receive the check back from your financial institution.


Contribution Statements

Contribution Statements will be emailed to you between January 17th and 31st. You will also be able to access your contribution statement from your PushPay account after January 17th. If you haven’t received yours by January 31st or need additional assistance, a request may be submitted below.


Thank you for your generous contribution to Shoreline.
Through your giving lives are being transformed here in Austin and all over the world.

please contact for questions